This weekend I went up to Havre de Grace, MD to visit some family. Nana has been flying all around the US it seems recently, seeing old friends and visiting her brother. Since she was up here and not too far away, I drove up on Saturday to see her and all the family in the area I haven't seen in 10 years! It's amazing how quickly time flies by and how much changes, but we just seemed to pick up where we left off immediately.

Kathleen just graduated and is living at home with her mom; Nana's brother, Jim; and his wife, Pat. Jimmy and his wife also showed up, and we all had fun chatting and catching up that afternoon before going out for dinner where Lois and her boyfriend, Scott, met up with us. The restaurant was really nice, especially since we had a whole room to ourselves, so we didn't have to worry about bothering anyone else around us. :) Of course there were pictures being passed and stories of people not present told... 10 years is a lot of time to cover over one meal! Haha! Afterwards, we went back to the house and watched Slumdog Millionaire before crashing for the night.

The next day, some people headed off to Mass while the rest of us watched TV and talked more over breakfast. Most of the family was planning on going to a baseball game in the evening so Phil and his wife showed up too! I think seeing Phil was the biggest change because he's now married, and they have a baby on the way! That was all exciting, and it was nice to meet Erin and get to know her as several of us went out running errands.

I didn't end up going to the game so I could make it home at a decent time, but all our time together was really fun. Definitely if I end up in this area again I will have to go hang out with them again. And if I end up in Texas somewhere I'm going to convince Kathleen and Lois to come visit me!

Nana took a ton of pictures from the weekend, so it's not that I just didn't take any... there were enough cameras going off already. When I get those, I'll come back and update this with a few. :)

UPDATE:: pictures!!

Me, Nana, and Uncle Jim

Kathy, Kathleen, Lois, Aunt Pat, Nana, Me

Nana, Me, Aunt Pat, Uncle Jim
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