Today was just one of those days that nothing seemed to want to work in my favor. It all started when I woke up and decided to check on when UCO's fall classes start. I'm taking 2 classes there, but I didn't really think to check before telling my boss that my last day working would be Weds, Aug. 12th. OC's fall semester doesn't start until Mon, Aug. 31st, so that seemed like a good break. Yeah, UCO starts 2 weeks earlier - Mon, Aug. 17th. Greaaaaat.
Since Kathleen has already made plans and bought a plane ticket to come up and drive back with me, there's no changing that now. I just have to deal with a super short break between work and classes starting. Lesson learned - check ALL schedules.
Later, I figured I'd check online to see what my schedule was exactly - class times, etc. I couldn't remember my username and password for the UCO system, so I was directed to call Tech Support since I also did not know my Student ID # or Admissions #.
Tech Support of course started by asking if I knew my Student ID # or Admissions #.
"Nope, that's why I called you..."
Right, well, next they wanted to know if I could come in for my info...
"Not possible."
So, I was told to fax in my photo ID and signature. Sweet! CAN DO.
When I called back to Tech Services, they sent me to Student Services who sent me to the Fax Office who claimed to never have received it...... Right.
Take two: faxed it again, called Student Services > sent to Admissions > put on hold while she called the fax people > who got it that time, all to have this convo:
UCO: "We can't give you information over the phone, but we can mail it to you at the address we have on file."
Me: "Is that address in Oklahoma?"
UCO: "Ma'am, I can't tell you that. It's confidential"
Me: "Well, ok... Don't tell me the address, but also don't send my info to anywhere in Oklahoma because that won't be to me. You might as well mail it and my banking info to Nigeria for all that would be worth"
UCO: "Oh. Yes. It's Oklahoma"
Me: "Sooo...."
UCO: "Can you come by campus?"
My mom ended up having my Student ID #, which I used to find my username and password. UCO's super secret username is the public email address they assign to you, which you in turn give to anyone and everyone you ever email on their system. The password? Yeah, it's your 6 digit birthday. At this point, my username is the more secret part of this combo, and if I ever used that email address it wouldn't be anymore.
The moral of that story is: UCO's system of security through obscurity is painful and pointless.
Since Kathleen has already made plans and bought a plane ticket to come up and drive back with me, there's no changing that now. I just have to deal with a super short break between work and classes starting. Lesson learned - check ALL schedules.
Later, I figured I'd check online to see what my schedule was exactly - class times, etc. I couldn't remember my username and password for the UCO system, so I was directed to call Tech Support since I also did not know my Student ID # or Admissions #.
Tech Support of course started by asking if I knew my Student ID # or Admissions #.
"Nope, that's why I called you..."
Right, well, next they wanted to know if I could come in for my info...
"Not possible."
So, I was told to fax in my photo ID and signature. Sweet! CAN DO.
When I called back to Tech Services, they sent me to Student Services who sent me to the Fax Office who claimed to never have received it...... Right.
Take two: faxed it again, called Student Services > sent to Admissions > put on hold while she called the fax people > who got it that time, all to have this convo:
UCO: "We can't give you information over the phone, but we can mail it to you at the address we have on file."
Me: "Is that address in Oklahoma?"
UCO: "Ma'am, I can't tell you that. It's confidential"
Me: "Well, ok... Don't tell me the address, but also don't send my info to anywhere in Oklahoma because that won't be to me. You might as well mail it and my banking info to Nigeria for all that would be worth"
UCO: "Oh. Yes. It's Oklahoma"
Me: "Sooo...."
UCO: "Can you come by campus?"
My mom ended up having my Student ID #, which I used to find my username and password. UCO's super secret username is the public email address they assign to you, which you in turn give to anyone and everyone you ever email on their system. The password? Yeah, it's your 6 digit birthday. At this point, my username is the more secret part of this combo, and if I ever used that email address it wouldn't be anymore.
The moral of that story is: UCO's system of security through obscurity is painful and pointless.