I pray again for your peace that passes all understanding.
- Your child
So my interview went really well today. I met with a doctor in the office who talked to me more about what they do. She explained how their testing works with patients and how the office works from day to day. I was a little nervous going in because I wasn't sure what more they wanted to ask me, but in the end she asked me several of the same types of questions: strengths, weaknesses, etc. and just mostly talked to my a lot about what I've done in the past. Nothing new or scary, and I walked away with a little clearer understanding of what they do, which is great.

The only part where the interview when wrong was in the exit. I was pretty sure I was supposed to talk to more people, so I asked who I needed to talk to next. You know, you're always trying to be as nice and tactful as possible at an interview, so I thought a gentle reminder would be enough. But she seemed pretty adamant that she was the only one I needed to talk to. She even apologized for making me come all the way down just to talk to her, but of course that was unnecessary. I'll go back as many times as they want until they're ready to decide who to hire. (I should probably set SOME limit actually.) So, I thanked her for having me and let myself out. About 20 minutes later, I got back to campus just in time to actually go to my class. Just as class was starting my friend Ryan who works at the same company called me. He asked where I was and if it was possible for me to come back... Well, that wouldn't have been a problem except that I was actually in the classroom at this point and by that time the professor had come in. It was exactly 2:30 and he kind of looked at me so as to draw all the attention to me. I totally deserved it, but I was stuck! I sit at the far corner from the door, and I really was trying to get off the phone, so leaving would be more trouble than it was worth but staying wasn't a good choice either! I was quietly trying to explain to Ryan that I HAD to go... class was starting, and he was trying to relay messages between the HR lady next to him and me. In the end, he said he'd text me instructions and I hung up, gave a short apology and explanation, and the teacher laughed it off.

Ryan later let me know that HR would just call to reschedule another interview because by the time I got out of class at 3:30, those people I needed to talk to would be leaving or gone.

Also, someone ELSE'S phone rang during class and the prof blamed it on me, which was kind of funny when the guy actually took credit for it. He sits right in front of me, so the teacher assumed it was me.

So, that was the excitement for my day. :) 2nd interview half-way conquered. 3rd (or 2 1/2-nd) apparently in the works.
Thursday @ 1:30pm.

Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

In other news, I think I want to be a teacher. So.... I'm praying for guidance and peace. Those are the types of prayers I could use most right now, Sammie. :) Since I know you're reading.
Soooo... remember that interview I mentioned? :) Well, I got a call last night while I was at work from their HR department.

She left a message to call back, but of course it was Friday night before I could listen. I'll give her a call Monday morning.

BUT -- in the message she said, "I have some good news!" So...

My hopes are high at this point, and I will certainly update on Monday with the rest of this story. :D
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This year for my birthday, I want water.

Please consider donating $23 for my 23rd birthday!

This will be my first "real" interview for a career not just a job. :) Just saying that is so weird, but it's so exciting too. I heard about the opening from Ryan Parker at one of his shows, and after originally thinking there was no way I'd apply for it - since I don't REALLY want to stay in Oklahoma after graduation - the logic finally dawned on me that a job in Oklahoma is in fact better than no job at all.

I have sent in soooo many resumes for all kinds of jobs, and this is the first one to call me back for a true interview. A few have wanted to chat on the phone or have emailed me questions, but I'm finally having to stress over what to wear, what to say, etc.

Oh, details. The position I am interviewing for is to be a Programmer for the Arthritis & Immunology department of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. I'm going at 10am, so if you read this and can say a prayer for me around that time I'd really appreciate it!

I always seem to get nervous RIGHT before things or right after, which is so much more convenient but weird when I'm thinking, "I should be nervous about this... what's wrong with me?!" So, for now, it's exciting but I don't think I can fully wrap my head around it until I am walking in the doors to meet with them.

I also have no idea if they would want me to start soon just working part-time or wait until after I graduate to start on full-time. I just started working at Best Buy again recently, and I always love working there. But of course if this Programmer position sounds like it's something I'd really want to pursue and they in turn feel like I'm the right person for the job, then I may have to cut my days with Best Buy short. It's way too soon to know what will happen with that, but I did tell my manager, Kenny, about the interview so I don't blindside him if I do end up leaving. It also feels good to have his support and approval going in this so I know no matter what I won't burn my bridge at Best Buy. :)
My mom told me about the Women of Faith conference she went to a couple weeks ago and about a couple books she picked up while she was there. One that she especially talked about with me was one on forgiveness. I'm planning to read the whole book at some point, but until then, here's an excerpt I found on a blog:
Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have forgotten what happened, it doesn’t even mean you are condoning what the other party or person has done, only that, you are just letting go of toxic feelings and emotions. Forgiveness does not mean that you have to reconcile with someone who badly treated you, or live with them or even eat with them or proving that you’ve forgiven them.
This is an especially close topic to my heart, and she knows that there is one person and one event that I have had a lot of trouble forgiving and moving on. I know it's not healthy for me, but it's so hard to forgive people sometimes when you know that they were in the wrong and you will never hear the apology you need...even though it probably wouldn't change anything if you did. Forgiveness is such a HUGE deal, and in the end I have to realize that the only person I am hurting by not forgiving is myself. That person will either have to worry about that burden on themselves or they just don't even think about it anymore. I'm hurting myself as long as I hold onto this.

It's not an easy thing. And it's certainly not easy enough to just read that once and go, "Oh! I need to forgive! Done."'s definitely a process, but I at least need to make an effort to forgive so I don't have to go on carrying that pain.

Maybe you're wondering what event I'm talking about, and if you guessed, you'd very likely be wrong. I guess what I'm saying is, look into yourself and find that thing that you think of first when people bring up how hard it is to forgive others. Once you have that in mind, get on a path to forgive that person. For me, the hardest part was how to deal with forgiving something that I know is so wrong. But I don't have to condone what happened. I don't even have to reconcile with that person - that's my choice. What I do need to do is let go of those feelings of resentment so that I can be a more whole person.