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I got an offer for the Programmer position at OMRF!! I'm really excited because it's finally coming together! 4 1/2 years in college, who knows HOW many resum
és sent out, and now.... the ball is officially in my court.
Now, I have some time to look over the offer and really ask questions about their benefits, etc. For now, they're offering me a part-time position to start during this semester. That's actually really nice because I can work fewer hours than I am at Best Buy right now but make more per hour so it'll balance out. I'm thinking I'll stick with Best Buy too and try to work weekends because I like working there, plus the discount is nice to have (especially if I'll have money to actually buy stuff soon), and a little extra money on the side sounds good to me. When I graduate I'll move into the full-time position with full benefits, etc.
So, that's that. I'm super excited at the possibility of working with Ryan Parker, and I'm also realizing, after talking with Mark Chan of OC Career Services, that this means a lot of stress off my shoulders with graduation approaching. Very cool. :)