I wish it wasn't getting under my skin so much, but I just can't stand bad sports. Every year people work very hard, some more than others, to put together a Spring Sing show that they think is pretty great. There are some that are expected to do really good, some that are expected to be mediocre, and some that no one expects much from at all. Every now and again those clubs that are stuck in the middle decide to really step it up a notch, and for Lambda this was that year for us. Our directors studied old shows to see what the judges look for. They picked a theme that they knew would be popular with any generation in the audience, and picked songs that would be easily recognizable. They wrote some great lyrics to give our show it's own special spunky princess personality. Then they watched countless dance related videos to find new and unique moves for our show.
After all that, we as a club got to work, practicing no less than 3 times a week with several lock-ins sprinkled throughout the semester. Our costumes were planned, pieces ordered and bought in the fall, and measurements taken the first day of Spring classes. We pushed ourselves physically beyond what we usually do because we may not be able to keep up with some of the guys' clubs as far as athleticism goes, but if we conditioned ourselves long enough, we could at least bring the same amount of energy.
We also spent more time than most of the clubs (Kappa aside) focusing on Unity. From day one we wanted to encourage the other clubs as much as possible. Yes, there is a trophy involved, but trophy or not we were set to visit all the clubs as often as possible to wish them the best and motivate them all along the way.
All this we did while planning weddings, working multiple jobs, taking more than an average full time load of classes, volunteering in the community, and still keeping the best GPA on campus. Yeah, I know none of these things have to do with Spring Sing, but all of it combined makes me even more proud of my girls than all the Spring Sing trophies.
Point is: everyone worked hard. And if your club didn't sweep the competition this year, and all you can talk about is how the clubs that did place didn't deserve it, then maybe you can step back and think about what really matters. My club goes years between placing, but we are consistent, and we do not rain on anyone else's parade. Personally, I am impressed with all the clubs this year. All of them. So, I'll take my 4th place trophy and stand proud. Not to rub it in anyone's face, but as a symbol of our hard work paying off.
After all that, we as a club got to work, practicing no less than 3 times a week with several lock-ins sprinkled throughout the semester. Our costumes were planned, pieces ordered and bought in the fall, and measurements taken the first day of Spring classes. We pushed ourselves physically beyond what we usually do because we may not be able to keep up with some of the guys' clubs as far as athleticism goes, but if we conditioned ourselves long enough, we could at least bring the same amount of energy.
We also spent more time than most of the clubs (Kappa aside) focusing on Unity. From day one we wanted to encourage the other clubs as much as possible. Yes, there is a trophy involved, but trophy or not we were set to visit all the clubs as often as possible to wish them the best and motivate them all along the way.
All this we did while planning weddings, working multiple jobs, taking more than an average full time load of classes, volunteering in the community, and still keeping the best GPA on campus. Yeah, I know none of these things have to do with Spring Sing, but all of it combined makes me even more proud of my girls than all the Spring Sing trophies.
Point is: everyone worked hard. And if your club didn't sweep the competition this year, and all you can talk about is how the clubs that did place didn't deserve it, then maybe you can step back and think about what really matters. My club goes years between placing, but we are consistent, and we do not rain on anyone else's parade. Personally, I am impressed with all the clubs this year. All of them. So, I'll take my 4th place trophy and stand proud. Not to rub it in anyone's face, but as a symbol of our hard work paying off.

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