One thing that I learned on Pac Rim, and I obviously need to refocus myself now to remember is that I can't keep pressing forward excited about the next thing. I need to appreciate today for what it is, and not just make the most with what I've got but live today to it's fullest. Of course too many clichés come to mind, but that's exactly what I know I need to do right now. I can't live for a month from now or for a year from now, but I'm starting to realize that there is a reason I've been given this time between now and then. I need to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing - probably self-improvement - and start doing it!
So, that's my goal for now. To live for today. To find a way to make Monday, the very best April 13th, 2009 that I possibly can. Then I'll focus on the next day. I can't forget to make short term plans and goals while also keeping my long term goals as a motivator.
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