Amy was test #3 of 4 for the week, and my senior seminar paper is still not done. That's due tomorrow. Today was kind of rough with the lack of sleep I've been getting lately as well as the pressure of so many tests. After talking to one of my professors, I'm feeling better than I was earlier, but I know there is a lot of work ahead of me to get caught up in understanding the material to move forward in that class.

On the other hand, Spring Sing is creeping up on us, and it's amazing to think how close we are to being done. We learned our last song last night then did a complete run through of the entire show. I'm looking forward to our next several practices of just running through it again and again and perfecting the parts we're not doing quite right yet. For me...that's a majority of the show. :) I love our show, and I'm trying to get it right, but it will just take some more practice. As far as Unity goes, I've been working on that overtime lately to make sure we finish strong. Only one more week left for unity, so I want to make sure the directors remember the support and encouragement we offered this year. The girls have been great in bringing supplies - Gatorade, brownie mix, etc. - and now I've got our schedule done and trying to get girls to commit to showing up for different meeting times.

Lambda has been such an encouragement to me this semester. I know sometimes others may see it as just another activity to eat into my time, but honestly without Lambda I wouldn't have gotten so much encouragement, and I think I would have a much harder time this semester. Being back from studying abroad is its own challenge, then add on being unemployed, taking 18 credit hours and trying to participate in Spring Sing, and I am SO glad they are here to catch me when I fall short and vice-versa. Spring Sing has helped me a lot also in my self-esteem. I know I've been losing weight this semester, and it's just a great way to stay active and get some socializing time in between all my homework. Not having a job has severely limited my options as far as going out with friends for fun time, but if all I have to do to see my friends and laugh for an hour or so at our ridiculous behavior and nonsense is meet at the gym or a classroom on campus to have an intense workout...I'm there!
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